The Black Stars. Robin Williamson. SUV's in Ireland.

Thinking about it, an odd World Cup this year, shaping up to be a great one and then somehow leaving a funny taste with some disappointing matches, though I thought the Italians were good enough overall for their win. But I was very proud of my Ghanaians, going down to Brazil without their best player. The Black Stars shall rise again! I haven't seen him since we both lived in L.A. years ago, so I was glad to see Robin Williamson this weekend in St James' Church, Dingle, and at the top of his form. In an era when folk and traditional music is so bound by musical conventions, so very straitlaced, what a treat to hear someone be very much himself. A great picture he makes too, with his harp and bass drum. Surely the most offensive sight in Ireland these days is all the SUV's on the road. I understand you need something big and mighty to get around in northern Michigan in winter, but Ireland? Anyone caught with an SUV on Irish roads should forfeit their apartments in Turkey and Croatia and be made to go on Big Brother for the rest of their lives.